The first of a two-part series, Batman begins follows Bruce Wayne's conquering of his fears, and deciding to do something about Gotham city's corruption from within. He, being the head of a mega-company left to him when his father was murdered, has money to buy stuff he needs to become the dark side of the city's worst nightmare. With the most awesome wheeled vehicle ever to drive the face of the earth, specially manufactured bullet-proof armor, and cloth that stiffens when charged with electricity, all prototypes made by his company in secret, but never made for production, he becomes batman. During the day he has to act like a spoiled millionaire, which makes the girl he loves- Rachel, look on him with disgust. She wants a man who is willing to stand up and do something, to take a stand against evil. It's hard for Bruce not to tell, but if his enemies found out who he was, it would all be over for him. At the end of the movie, she finds out, and leaves us wondering what their future together will be in the second half of the movie, the still unreleased "Dark Knight" slated for theatrical release Summer of '08. This movie struggles with spider man to be the greatest super hero movie ever. I don't think this movie had any language, the violence was family-friendly, and there weren't really any immodestly dressed women.
On the scale, this one also received a 9
Saturday, April 12, 2008
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